Monday, November 10, 1997

Drawing the Lines

Since there is no online transcript for this episode, I myself wrote down the whole transcript. ??? denotes the part I cannot catch no matter how many times I repeat to listen to it. If you can fill the gap, please leave a comment to this post. Thank you.

Chapter 1
Ally: What do you mean, it's broken?
Georgia: ???. Out of drip. Billy went downstairs to Starbucks.
Ally: When did he go? I mean, did he just go? Is he gonna be back soon?
Georgia: He should be back in any second. Are you...?
Ally: After my fourth cup, I'm fine.
Georgia: Me too. I haven't any today.

Richard: Ladies, whatever you've got for schedule this morning, I need you to reschedule. Marci Hatfield, soon to be Jason Hatfield's ex, is due in a while. You two there as all I could do is to get the meeting. She's averse to confrontation.That's why it's essential...
Georgia: Billy!
Richard: Bo, both...
Georgia: Thank God.
Ally: Thank you. I'll owe you for the rest of my life.
Richard: Billy, I want you to this meeting, too. It's essential to...
Ally: No!
Georgia: No?
Ally: Don't just drink it.
Georgia: Sorry?
Ally: This is your first cup of the day.
Georgia: Yes.
Ally: And you were just going right to your mouth with it?
Georgia: That's how I drink, Ally. With my mouth.
Richard: Excuse me.
Ally: Put it back on the tray.
Georgia: What?
Ally: Do as I say. Put it back on the tray. I wanna show you something. Will you excuse us?
Richard: I hadn't quite finished...

Georgia: Ally, what are you doing? If I don't drink that in the next 10 seconds...
Ally: Do you know how most men actually make love is opposed to how you would like them to?
Georgia: I'm married. I wouldn't.
Ally: Think back.
Georgia: I remember.
Ally: You were about to drink this cappuccino like most men make love: skipping over all the foreplay. Now just, just hold it in your hands. Just knowing that it's close.
Georgia: Yeah, I see what you mean.
Ally: Now, close your eyes. And just think about tasting it. Now, smell it. Just a little.
Ally: Now, pull it away. Just tease yourself a little. Up, and down. And up. Longer sniffs.
Now, you see that foam on the plastic? Lick it off.
Georgia: I have to drink it.
Ally: Now, bring it up slow. Don't rush it. It only happens with the first cup. Slow. Slow. Slow. And drink.
Georgia: Mmm.
Ally: Mmm.

Chapter 2
Ally: What's so important about this case?
Richard: First off, money. Secondly, money.
Ally: It must be a lot.
Richard: The prenup limits her to 600,000. Hatfield's worth over 18 million. We will take up to one-third of everything over the contract. That potentially makes it the biggest case we've got to handle. Have you located the Biscuit?
Billy: He's on his way in. He'll be here by 10.
Richard: Here's the thing. It was a painful breakup for her. She really doesn't wanna relive it. By that I mean she has little interest in a trial. We have to convince her how we can deal with this quickly with minimal hardship for her. Where's Georgia?
Billy: She went for another cappuccino.
Richard: I want her there, too. This woman has to know she's got an army. Let's do some fast research on prenups. See if...
Ally: What if you stare like that when Mrs. Hatfield's here. That'll get her business.

Elaine: I'm sorry I'm late. Have you missed me?
Richard: We've missed you every opportunity, Elaine. Kidding. Bygones. Go away.
Ally: He's on edge.
Elaine: Oh. Well, while I have you, Richard, this is a law complaint. It hasn't been filed yet, but it will if our demands aren't met.
Richard: Demands? What demands? What is something here about demands?
Elaine: That girl. The staring.
Richard: Elaine!
Elaine: I warned you. This office is sexually charged. It amounts to a hostile working environment. Almost every woman here has signed the complaint.
Billy: You got to be kidding.
Elaine: I don't kid about serious issues. I'm sure Ally will back me up on this.
Ally: Then why didn't you tell me about it?
Richard: Elaine, you're a fathead.
Billy: Richard!
Elaine: This doesn't have to turn personal.
Richard:Why did it turn stupid? Fathead!
Billy: Let's just look over this complaint, and we'll try to reach an accord.
Elaine: That's all I'm after. Accord.
Richard: Fine.

Ally: What are you doing?
Elaine: I'm asserting the rights of the women in the workplace.
Ally: Yeah, yeah. What are you doing?
Elaine: You think it's right the way they gawk at her?
Ally: Of course, not. I just think that this is a little extreme.
Elaine: And it shouldn't have to be. If they address our concern, this will go away.
Ally: If they fire the girl, she can sue.
Elaine: They can legislate how she dresses.
Ally: Elaine, where do you draw that line? I mean, with all due respect, you sort of walk around with uppity breasts. And the hair flips aren't the most subtle. And your perfume. You could be flammable. Now, what if somebody shuts you down as a safety hazard? How would you feel then?
Elaine: That was all due respect?
Ally: How did you organize all this, anyway? Secret little meetings at night or something?
Richard: Ally, Marci Hatfield. Ready?
Ally: Ready. We'll talk later.

Elaine: I'm not flammable.

Chapter 3
Mrs Hatfield: I signed the prenuptial. There's no argument here. But he did revoke it.
Billy: In writing?
Mrs Hatfield: No. That's the problem.
Ally: Did he ever say this to anyone in front of anybody about revoking the prenup?
Mrs Hatfield: Well, not in front of me, but... Look. As I told Mr. ... Fish, I don't really want to go to court. But I didn't work. I stayed home and raised our children while he advanced up the corporate ladder. And, uh, since he knew I was giving up my career, he, he told me... He said, he said he knew he couldn't hold me to a prenup if ever... Um... And then, when our, our marriage started to get bumpy, I asked him specifically about the prenuptial and he told me directly...
John: I apologize.
Mrs Hatfield: Anyway, he said he'd already done it. He said he'd instructed his lawyer to revoke the prenup and it was done.
Ally: (Oh, God, no. He's gonna pick it.)
Mrs Hatfield: I know I should have insisted. I guess that's why I'm here.
Richard: Well, we're here to see if you're protected.
Georgia: The first thing we need to do is research the statute of frauds with regards to prenups. How long have you been divorced?
Mrs Hatfield: The divorce isn't final. Uh, this battle of prenups is what's holding things up. My former lawyer said there's nothing I can do. And truth is, I'm inclined to just...
Richard: Nothing is certain, Mrs. Hatfield. That prenup can be pierced, I assure you.
Mrs Hatfield: You know, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. I don't find you terribly trustful.
Richard: They're trustful. Trust is covered. I assure you.

Chapter 4
Billy: Hey.
Ally: What are you doing?
Billy: Looking in the mirror. Men do, too, you know.
Ally: But you were... Well, it seemed like you were staring in the mirror. Are you okay?
Billy: Fine.
Ally: It's just that whenever you're really bothered or upset usually about something personal, that's what you do. You go find the mirror and stare at yourself, and... That's why I'm concerned.
Billy: Well, I'm fine.
Ally: Okay. Would you mind turning on the faucet? I have a bashful bladder.

Ally: You know, usually when you look into the mirror like that, it was something about me. So I figure it must be a problem with  Georgia. And I can understand why you wouldn't wanna share that, but I am totally here for you.

Ally: I'm here for you too, for both of you. I am here for everybody.

Chapter 5

Richard: John, just how big was this client we just tried to impress?
John: Big.
Richard: Big?
John: Big, big.
Richard: Fine. And how impressed do you think the big, big client was to see you repeatedly reach for your left nose hole doing an impromptu excavation project?
John: I had to address my nose, Richard. The client could hear the whistling. When I couldn't rectify the problem with a quick sniff, I had to make a judgment call.
Richard: And it was your considered judgment to take your index finger and corkscrew it?
John: I nudged it. There was never a corkscrew motion. And I will not stand to be disparaged.

Billy: If you, me and Elaine sit down together, I think we can make this harassment thing go away.
Richard: I'm not even going to dignify that lawsuit.
Billy: Richard, if we don't come to the table, we'll be faced with a walkout.
Richard: What?
Billy: That's what she said. At noon tomorrow, let's just sit, talk and buy some time.

Georgia: Marci Hatfield is here.
Richard: Where?
Georgia: Here, and waiting in the conference room.
Richard: That's great! She wouldn't come back to not hire us. This has to be good!

Georgia: Hey. Are you okay?
Billy: Me? Yeah. Why?
Georgia: When I went into the bathroom, Ally was talking in her stall about you looking in the mirror, and that maybe means a problem with me.
Billy: What? You know Ally. She can't even sit on the toilet without drumming up a little drama.
Georgia: Yeah. And I know you. When you stare at yourself in the mirror, it usually does mean something bugging you.
Billy: Well, this stupid claim with Elaine and all the women. Probably that.
Georgia: Yeah. Probably.

Billy: The quick research says an oral revocation won't supersede a prenup. But every contract can be attacked for bad faith. And we think we can at least make a claim that will get us in a court.
Mrs Hatfield: I don't want to go to court. It's just too painful for me to...
Ally: Since your husband has a pretty high corporate profile, we, we think the threat of court itself will be enough to make him negotiate. And that would be the plan.
Georgia: Your husband does have a record of being a womanizer. That kind of stuff, that, that's laundry he probably doesn't wanna air out.
Mrs Hatfield: Well, that's not something I particularly wanna air out either. He is the father of my children.
Richard: We don't need to air laundry out.
John: Mrs. Hatfield. There's a reason you came back in here. Maybe his upcoming marriage has triggered the nerve. I don't know. I sense, however, despite your desire to avoid confrontation, you don't wanna let your husband get away with what he's done. Put yourself in our hands. We're in the business of getting even. Mrs. Hatfield, let us pull you even.
Mrs Hatfield: I'll put myself in their hands.
John: Just don't judge me by the nose whistle.
Mrs Hatfield: I just feel more comfortable with them.

Chapter 6
Richard: Anything you need.
Ally: Thanks.

Ally: Can we meet, end of the day?
Mrs Hatfield: Sure.

Elaine: There's Caroline Poop to see you.
Richard: Who's Caroline Poop?
Elaine: My attorney.

Caroline: This is camera one. Camera two.
Richard: Okay, what... How'd you get these tapes?
Caroline: Security. Subpoena. Simple. Basically your nut's between me and a hard place here.
Billy: But it does not make a case for sexual harassment.
Caroline: You say doesn't? The law says possible. But does that really matter? Our lawsuit with almost every female employee signing on?
Richard: That's blackmail, not to mention abuse of process.
Caroline: I'm real concerned. And don't try to take a moment as I'm already ??? as to how you work. By the way, the little arrest for solicitation need not be a huge issue.
Richard: Look, look, look, look. What's the bottom line?
Caroline: Eight thousand compensatory for every named plaintiff, three extra vacation days, and the delivery girl gets discharged for prejudice.
Billy: That's not fair to her!
Caroline: I'm here asking you to be fair to yourselves. Collect your thoughts. We'll talk.

Richard: Speak to me, John.
John: She wouldn't let me take my moment. I'm troubled.

Richard: It's all wrong to stare? I mean, if Whipper hadn't asked me to stop gaping at her, we wouldn't even have met. Sometimes a stare can be a good thing. A slight indication that you're listening would be nice.
John: She wants something. Elaine. She wouldn't be out to improve the workplace. She wants something. I'll have at her.
Richard: No, she's represented by counsel. We really shouldn't talk to her.
John: I'll happen upon her and we'll converse when she goes to the unisex. I apologize for the meeting. I embarrassed the firm.
Richard: That's no harm. We got the client.
John: It's not like my nose to whistle.
Richard: The thing I don't understand... It's always been our goal for the place to be happy. We pay them more than the secretaries of other places get. They get more vacation time already. I would think they'd be happy. This lawsuit, what does it say?
John: They're not happy.

Chapter 7

Ally: Are you getting a frown line?
Billy: Why can't I just look into a mirror? Why is everything about you?
Ally: What?
Billy: Or Georgia? Why is everything about you and Georgia? Why can't I just look into a damn mirror?
Ally: You can.
Billy: Thank you!

Ally: (That reminded me of me.)

Billy: I miss you.
Ally: Oh. Um... Oh. Uh... That's sweet. Well... Just making sure I didn't do what I came in here to do. I'm gonna be going now.
Billy: Ally!
Ally: Please, don't.
Billy: It's the dumbest thing in the world. And you wouldn't even believe if I told you.
Ally: Um... What?
Billy: You'll laugh.
Ally: You were right.
Billy: When I saw you holding that coffee cup this morning, like you're making love to it, it made me remember when you and I...
Ally: Oh.
Billy: When Georgia and I make love, don't get me wrong, it's fantastic.
Ally: Great. I would have hated to have gotten that wrong.
Billy: But we don't really look at each other in the eyes. I mean, when you and I had... Remember how we used to lock on to each other's eyes during... Do you remember that?
Ally: Um... Vaguely.
Billy: As stupid as this sounds, but when I saw you with the coffee cup, it just sort of hit me again what it was like to make love to you. And I think I'm a little blind-sided by how it hurts to miss it.
Ally: I think that's probably a normal thing.
Billy: Maybe. But it doesn't... It's not a good feeling to be married to someone I am in love with and still not be over another.
Ally: Yeah, I hate when that happens.
Billy: That's why I keep staring at the mirror all day. I uh... Whatever I tell myself, I just can't escape that hit I felt when I saw you this morning. Coffee cups. I told you it was the dumbest thing ever.
Ally: Billy, I'm sure there's a right response for this, but it escapes me at the moment.
Billy: I'm not looking for a response. I was just telling you what was going on.
Ally: Okay.
Billy: Well, see you.
Ally: See you.

Once upon a time
A long time ago
I thought that I should leave you
I thought that you should go
I never really said goodbye
I never even heard you cry
And after all this time it's hard to say
The only love I had I sent away

Chapter 8

Renee: That's your second carton of ice cream.
Ally: It won't kill me. Two cartons won't kill me.
Renee: I know, but I wanted some.
Ally: Do you think ex-Iovers should be honest with each other?
Renee: Not that honest. No way.
Ally: Maybe it's stupid for us to be friends. Maybe I should just shut that down.
Renee: Well, don't get me wrong, Ally...
Ally: Why does everyone say that to me? "Don't get me wrong." Do, do I get everything wrong?
Renee: No, it's just that what I'm about to say may seem like an insult.  So I wanna buffer it.
Ally: Oh, okay. What?
Renee: Emotionally, you're an idiot.
Ally: Well, how exactly would you have put that without the buffer?
Renee: I've been saying this from the start, Ally. You going working at that firm is like a, is like a moth flying into fire. I don't care if you date with D.A.'s, rabbis, whoever. You've got no chance of starting a good relationship so long as you're working side by side with that man there. I'll ??? shut up.
Ally: When you make love to a guy, do you look him in the eye?
Renee: If our heads are at the same end of the bed, I will certainly do.
Ally: Ew! Seriously.
Renee: No. I don't know. I don't know. I never think about it. Do you?
Ally: Well, thinking back, on the few occasions I went to bed with men I didn't really love... Very few.
Renee: Of course. Of course.
Ally: No, I didn't look at them in their eyes. Not during.
Renee: Why?
Ally: I don't know. Maybe because it feels like a lie.
Renee: A lie? Having eye contact with a man...
Ally: When you're not in love with a guy and you're making love to a guy, and... I don't know. Somehow if you look them in the eyes, it's some sort of promise to it.
Renee: A promise of what, Ally?
Ally: Love, tomorrow, forever. I don't know. It's just... After Billy said that, I realized that if I'm not in love with a guy, I don't look at him in his eyes. Not during.
Renee: I don't think you are supposed to look at him in his eyes, not if it's good.
Ally: Really?
Renee: No.
Ally: Well, where do you look?
Renee: I don't know. I mean, you look up, to the side, to the other side, look down. If you look at him in the eye, he might think it hurts.
Ally: Well, maybe if you look at him like that, yes. But you don't have to scrunch up your cheeks.
Renee: Thanks, Ally. What kind of faces do you make?
Ally: Forget it.
Renee: No. Show me.
Ally: No.
Renee: Show me. Show me!
Ally: Renee, I'm not capable of this conjuring up a look like that on command.
Renee: Try.
Ally: Okay. Um... Okay, here. Um...
Renee: You're right. That's a lie. Liar! That's a lie!

Chapter 9

ELAINE: I know that's you, John. I see your shoes.
JOHN: I'm not denying it's me.
ELAINE: Have you come in here to negotiate? I'm represented by counsel.
JOHN: I've come to use the facilities.
ELAINE: I know your rituals. You're not a morning person.
JOHN: I've simply come to pee.
ELAINE: Then why are you sitting?
JOHN: I prefer it.
ELAINE: I'd be able to hear it. You are not peeing.
ELAINE: You drank extra coffee so you would be ready. You knew I'd test you.

RICHARD: How did it go?
Jonh: She's wily.

Chapter 10

Mr Hatfield's councel: We're offering a full 100,000 above the contract.
ALLY: It's not good enough.
Georgia: Not even close.
Mr Hatfield's councel: Look, you wanna go into court, waste your client's money?
Ally: Do you wanna go into court? Your children hearing some of the grievances?
Mr Hatfield's councel: Hold on here. This is a no-fault state. Let's not even go down the blame path.
Georgia: Oh, we've researched that. Don't worry. We can end around the "no-fault." We can even sue your client's new fiancée for interference in marital relations.
Mr Hatfield's councel: Good luck serving her. She lives in London.
Mr Hatfield: What is going on here?
Ally: We only wanna work this out.
Mr Hatfield's councel: Well, we're done. We came here in good faith...
Mrs Hatfield: "Good faith"? You're taking the position of good faith?
Mr Hatfield: It's pound of flesh time, Marci. Is that it? -
Mr Hatfield's councel: Come on, Jason.
Ally: Who do you think the jury's gonna like, Mr Hatfield? And whose side do you think your children will be on when your womanizing thing comes out? (I'm disgusting.)
Georgia:  I'm sure your fiancée might form an opinion.
Mr Hatfield: She knows my past. And she knows my future. It won't include any of you.
Ally: Mr Hatfield, you told her you'd cancel the prenup.
Mr Hatfield: She misunderstood.

Mrs Hatfield: Why did you bring up my children? I asked you not to do that.
ALLY: I know. I was trying to scare him. I apologize.
Mrs Hatfield: I don't want to do this anymore.
Richard: So, you didn't scare him?
Ally: I don't think so.
Richard: Set up another meeting for tomorrow. We've got one last shot.
Georgia: What?
Richard: Just, just set it up.

Elaine: Is this a bad time?
Richard: Yes. Yeah.
Elaine: We've decided to walk out at noon tomorrow. Rather than hold this over everybody's head, we prefer to push it to a head. That's the best way for assault to move ahead. "If you can word things cleverly, it's more meaningful. " That's a Jesse Jacksonism.
Richard: Can I have everyone's attention, please? How many women here, if we don't cede to the demands of Elaine's complaint, are prepared to walk out tomorrow? Thank you.

Chapter 11

BILLY: Seen Georgia?
Ally: She went to Social Law to see if there are ??? cases on prenups.
Billy: Listen, it wasn't fair to say what I said to you.
Ally: It's okay.
Billy: You know, I wasn't trying to...
Ally: I know.
Billy: It's just uh... I don't know. Sometimes I think you see through me anyway. It feels like a lie not to tell you things.
Ally: Look, Billy, if, if we're gonna be friends, and I do want that, we've gotta draw some lines.
Billy: I know.
Ally: I'm a big fan of being honest, but I can only be so strong. I think there are certain territories that we just should stay clear of.
Billy: I agree.
Ally: And if I can't have a cup of coffee without you, you...
Billy: Ally, I agree. I apologize.
Ally: Okay.
Billy: And as long as we're drawing lines, do you think it would be possible for you to, you know, not feign orgasms in the office?
Ally: That was hardly orgasmic. You of all people should know what I sound like when I... Oh lines... Lines, we are drawing lines. And I'll watch myself with the coffee.
Billy: Okay. See ya.
Ally: See ya.

Elaine: Well, I feel something chemical in here. What did I miss?
Ally: You haven't missed anything, Elaine. In fact, you're just in time.
Elaine: In time for what?
Ally: In time for this. I like you, and despite our little friction, I actually enjoy working with you. But there's nothing more dangerous than your good intentions.
Elaine: That was a snappish remark disguised in a soft tone.
Ally: You always have some sort of project going on. Some quest du jour. The face bra one day, the lawsuit the next. This, this quest is selfish.
Elaine: Well, that's certainly your limited opinion.
Ally: If all the women walk out of this firm, the firm could shut down.
Elaine: Ally, you're threatening Mr. Hatfield to squeeze out just a little bit more money. That's all I'm doing.
Ally: (My God, she actually has a point.)
Elaine: This lawsuit is a tool to advance our position. It's completely in the spirit of Richard Fish. In a strange way, I bet he's proud of what we're doing.
Ally: I don't think Richard is finding any "spirit" of being sued, and... And aside from all that, Elaine, I, uh... Oh, never mind.
Elaine: No, if you have something to say, I should love to hear it.
Ally: Okay. I, uh... I think there's something a little desperate about you. It takes one to know when I know I have my own...
Elaine: Problems?
Ally: Yes. And your problem is that you feel the need to be included, to be in the middle of things, and you invent ways to put yourself in the center. I think that's what this lawsuit's about. And it makes me... It makes me feel sorry for you. It makes you look sad.
Elaine: John Cage fed you that, didn't he? This little speech was just a maneuver. You don't fool me. Excuse me.

Chapter 12

ALLY: What's up, Richard?
Richard: Gold is up. As in struck. As in struck by us. You like photography?
Georgia: What's this?
Richard: On a whim, I had Hatfield followed last night. There's been a rumor of a mistress. I'm assuming this is the mistress since his fiancée is in London.
ALLY: Oh. What are we supposed to do with these?
RICHARD: What do we do? We extort. That's what we do. We all wonder what this guy's afraid of? Not his past maybe, but perhaps, his future if his bride-to-be saw these.
Ally: Richard, I don't mean to be a naive little schoolgirl, but...
Georgia: I do. I'm not comfortable with this kind of tactic.
Richard: Why?
Georgia: Why?
Richard: Yeah.
Ally: Richard, this is gumshoe law. We are not that kind of lawyers.
Richard: Excuse me? But your all negotiation so far has been to jack up the guy to fear bad publicity. This is just ??? to the next level. It's no shift in philosophy.
Georgia: To me, this, this crosses the line. Tailing somebody? Invading the privacy?
Richard: We didn't "Gifford" the guy. We just followed.
Ally: It feels awful.
Richard: Look. I'll take the meeting if necessary, but I think that sends a mixed message. We can't have an opposing counsel smelling dissension. Lawyers play cards. This one is in your hands. You play it.
Georgia: I didn't realize we were this kind of law firm.
Ally: Neither did I.

Billy: Cappuccinos!
Georgia: Excellent! Come on, Ally. Let's go somewhere private and drink these.
Ally: I don't do that anymore.

Caroline: There's strength in numbers, boys. Women around here have solidarity. Tick, tick, tock. High noon is approaching.
Richard: Would you take a bribe? Kidding.
John: Ms Poop, would you allow Richard and I to discuss this?
CAROLINE: You had time ??? to discuss. We're all lawyers. This is one of those situations where a person has to have the wisdom to collapse. It's cheap-umbrella time.
John: Just the same, if we could discuss this.
Caroline: Twenty minutes. I'll wait outside.

John: I think she's got us. We would be on the cover of Law Weekly.
Richard: She has no case! It's nothing but blatant...

Mr Hatfield's councel: Extortion!
Ally: You can call it what you want. (Because it is that.)
Mr Hatfield's councel:  I'm going to report you to the Bar.
Ally: Ouch.
Georgia: If your fiancée in London became aware of your other life, she might frame a future differently.
Mr Hatfield: You can live with yourselves putting this kind of slime?
Ally: We can live with ourselves just fine.
Georgia: The issue is, do you live with it?
Mr Hatfield: What wonderfully moral people you are.
Ally: You cheated on your wife. You lied to her about the prenup. These pictures show you cheating on your next wife. Talk to us about morality, Mr. Hatfield.

Chapter 13

RICHARD: They made an offer?
Ally: They offered two. We ??? three and a half. Probably landing in the middle. Regardless we made a lot of money, we won ugly. You should be thrilled.
Richard: I, I don't appreciate your tone.

Caroline: I have to be a pest, but it's about a quarter to twelve. And the girls wanna take an early lunch.

Richard: Anything? So Elaine has actually got us here?
John: She is well-organized and wily.

Richard: Can I have your attention, please, everybody? Everybody? I'll make this brief. The reason John and I started this firm was because we wanted to go to work every day to a place where it was fun. Make money. Throw office parties. Fun place to work. I realize employees always gripe. It's part of being an employee. Don't like people staring at pretty girls. Don't like tactics we use to win cases. It's the nature of an employee to complain there's always some place better. But this lawsuit... This carries the gripe too far.
It saps the fun out of the firm. Since the fun was the point, anybody who isn't happy, leave. And if you all go, John, we'll just start up another firm. There's always another one.

Caroline: It's declare time.
Elaine: If we did file the complaint, is there a chance we could win?
Caroline: Snowball.
Elaine: In hell?

Elaine: Are we ready to walk out? Raise your hands. The strike was really a formality. The important thing is we have been heard.

Chapter 14
Ally: Hey.
Richard: Hm.
Ally: Well, they're all staying.
Richard: Hm.
Ally: You called their bluff. The suit's over.
Richard: Great.
Ally: Why aren't you happy?
Richard: It's because they needed their jobs. That's all. Where else would they go?
Ally: No. It's because they like it here, Richard. Elaine just had them all whipped up. They like it here a lot.
Richard: Almost as much as you do, I'm sure.
Ally: I love it here. It doesn't mean I have to like what I do all the time, but...
Richard: What we do is slightly connected to what the place is, Ally. It's a little inconsistent to like it here and not like what you do here. Ally: What this place is, is evolving. We are a bunch of young lawyers. I mean we're kids. You work on me, I'll be working on you. And I look forward to one day when I wake up and come here and I find you with character. Now, that is the whole challenge of it. And that is fun.
Richard: I plan to have character one day. Great character. But if you want to be rich, you'd better get the money before the scruples set in. That's a... You know.
Ally: Fishism.
Richard: I'm serious, Ally. When I dreamed this place up, it was to be an alternative to those stuffy firms. I want it to be fun.
Ally: It's a party, Richard. I promise.

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you
Nobody knows where my Johnny has gone

Elaine: I think it's really gracious of you to forgive me in such a short notice. I think I was on kind of a search for some internal fulfillment. Ally and I are so similar.
Richard: Yeah, spitting image.
Elaine: Bygones?
Renee: People think you're strange, you know, if you sit there and don't talk.
John: I'm an enigma.
Renee: You're a cute little enigma. Do you think if I took you ??? the dance floor, you could hold your own against my bosom?
Georgia: I thought you had a date with the rabbi tonight.
Ally: I had to reschedule. It's hard having a date with a rabbi after a tough day of blackmail.
Georgia: I have to admit it was easier being sleazy knowing you were with me.
Ally: Thanks. Renee, I'm gonna go upstairs and pack up. I'll be right back.
Renee: I'll be right here with the Biscuit.
Georgia: Hey, tell Billy to hurry up, will you?
Ally: I will.

Chapter 15

Ally: Hey.
Billy: Hey.
Ally: Your wife's waiting down at the bar. She, she misses you.
Billy: Yeah. I just get ready to go. Wild day, huh? I can't say it's boring here.
Ally: Nope.
Billy: Going home early to have shower?
Ally: How did you know?
Billy: Don't beat yourself up too much over the photograph thingy, Ally. We should only hope that's as dirty as our hands get on this job.
Ally: Yeah. Billy, you know what I said before about drawing lines? Well, I've been thinking a lot about... And when we say we're friends, we say it's like a consolation prize... The truth, um, for me... Our friendship, it's the greatest thing I've got going. I cherish it. And to put the honesty boundaries on that, that I don't want to.
Billy: Me neither. So?
Ally: So... Free fall with the truth. Hope we both survive. Deal?
Billy: Deal.
Ally: See ya.
Billy: See ya.

So I send this out
Wherever you may be
To tell you I still love you
You're still a part of me
If you can ever find a way
Then I'll be hoping for the day
You can smile and tell me it's okay
That the only love I had I sent away

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